Identifying non-toxic products through advanced ingredient scanning
Transforming the Ingredient Scanning App Experience. In April 2022, Vinnove teamed up with a Houston entrepreneur to revamp a mobile app that helps users find non-toxic products by scanning ingredients.
The app, while innovative, needed major upgrades for better performance and user experience.
Machine Learning
The main challenge was improving the app’s scanning feature to support more users without sacrificing smooth functionality. It also needed new features to help users more easily identify safe products.
Next-Level User Experience
Using our skills in mobile app development, machine learning, and data analytics, we focused on the Flutter framework for both iOS and Android. We aimed to make the scanning faster and more accurate, enhancing the overall user experience.
Empowering Non-Toxic Choices
Our collaboration with the app’s founder highlights Vinnove’s expertise in mobile app development and technology. By elevating the app’s performance and user experience, we’ve helped our client meet their goals and offer a better product to consumers looking for non-toxic options.
The Essence of Switch Natural
The arrow in the Switch Natural logo symbolizes progress and direction, reflecting the brand’s commitment to sustainability and innovation in natural products. It represents Switch Natural’s mission to guide consumers towards eco-friendly alternatives, emphasizing the importance of making informed choices for a greener future.
Driving Innovation
The results were impressive. The app’s performance saw a significant boost, with users finding the new scanning feature quicker and more precise. The new functionalities were well-received, leading to higher user satisfaction and positive feedback for our client.
We look forward to continuing this partnership and driving further innovations for the app.
“Their responsiveness and attention to detail are impressive, demonstrating a genuine care for quality. We couldn’t think of any areas for improvement.”